
谢霆锋用温暖的嗓音翻唱《狮子王》插曲《Can you feel the love tonight》,整个舞台亮起橙色的光,星光闪耀,希望今晚的你能感受到爱。 ↓↓戳视频看江苏卫视超级晚谢霆锋《Can you feel ...

but you got to keep the faith ...gon' keep it brother you got it and when you think of trust does it lead you home to a place that you only dream of when you're all alone and you can go by feel 'stead of circumstance but the power's in believing so...

更多内容请点击:616看超级晚|童年回忆杀!谢霆锋温情翻唱《狮子王》插曲让观众感受爱 推荐文章